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domain names

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Fabulous Releases API Access

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Fabulous, my registrar of choice, released an API today. Docs can be seen here. I think it's a great step forward for them and something I wish they had ages ago. It does appear they intentionally limited some of the API commands to keep it for users only (not resellers). I wonder if they will open it up more in the future?

Regardless, great work Fabulous!

Comcast Wildcarding DNS

Average: 1 (3 votes)

Thanks comcast.

Dear .mobi, this is what users think

How Not To Try and Buy A Domain Name

Average: 1.5 (8 votes)

Here is a pathetic exchange from someone ( trying to buy from me with narration. His emails are blockquoted, my responses are regular, translations in [].

Hey there,
Curious how much/if you'd be willing to sell
How would you want for the name?

[Translation: Gimme gimme gimme]

Possible Solution to the 'If I Die, What Happens to My Domains' Question

No votes yet

"Protect your online assets the same way you safeguard your physical assets.

Your will (or estate or trust) protects your car, your house, your retirement account, and all your other assets for you. It ensures these valuables make their way to your spouse, siblings, children, or other loved ones. But what happens to all the assets you've created on the Internet, from your email address(es) to your PayPal account to your Facebook profile?

I HATE Domain Squatters

Average: 5 (1 vote)

So I am reading reddit as I often do and this gem of a thread shows up.

It is a gripe by a guy who tried to buy from World Wide Media (Mike Berkens) and was offended by the minimum offer.

Of course these sorts of complaints are quite common and show up a lot but this had one really nice response:

ChunkyLaFunga >
Someone, somewhere, somehow, needs to come down very hard on domain squatters.


Ford Suing Enthusiast Websites

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Websites such as The Ranger Station, Michigan Mustang and Mustang Evolution have all received legal notices from Fords lawyers. Jalopnik reports:

"In a recent letter to enthusiast web sites, Ford's reportedly requiring the relinquishment of all Ford trademarks including domain names, banners, signs and merchandise as well as a restitution payment of $5,000 by December 19th."

Brilliant idea on Ford's part. Sue the people who support you the most.

Finally, the GOOD news

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Doom and gloom seem to be the keywords of the day but here is some news that will hopefully brighten up your long term perspective.

Companies with cogent business models that provide consumer value should survive/thrive - consumers need value more than they have needed in a long time and the internet should be the best place to find it.

Digital Consumer - undermonetized social networks / video / voip driving powerful usage growth - opportunity for innovative marketers to capitalize on low CPMs

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